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1 point by CatDancer 5782 days ago | link | parent

Hmm, as an interim step you could make a macro called "set" which you loaded after Arc and before Anarki. That way you could try out Anarki with arc3 and get things working before going on to do all the tedious renaming.

1 point by rntz 5782 days ago | link

The trouble is, I wouldn't know where to start with testing anarki as a whole. There's just too many different parts, because anarki has so many things:

- Forks and compilers (arc2c, arc-f)

- Pet projects and examples (LightMakesRight, wiki-arc)

- Utility libraries (lib/util, defpat, settable-fn)

- Extensions to arc (help strings, function signatures, compilation)

- Bugfixes to arc (making 'atomic work even on exception throw)

I think I can probably update the latter three, but the former will just have to rely on whoever contributed them. Perhaps it's time for a new anarki - throw out the unmaintained cruft and try and separate changes to core arc functionality (bugfixes, extensions) from additions/libraries from standalone projects.


2 points by thaddeus 5782 days ago | link

I don't know why you would want to.

From my cursory look, pg has fixed many if not most of the core issues that anarki resolved. (ie cut fn not handling -1, providing a static directory for files to be published, added some basic math functions - sin cos etc..).

I would suggest starting a new branch with arc3 and if the libraries from anarki are still relevant then people will incrementally add them. This way were not integrating a bunch of code just because it's there - even though it's no longer useful.

+ just because you make them work with core arc3 files doesn't mean there will not be conflicts - as example the int function in the anarki math.arc library conflicts with news.arc only (as pg added an int function).



1 point by rntz 5782 days ago | link

Some of the things anarki adds that are not in arc3 are tremendously useful. For example, help strings and the 'help macro to access them, and similarly, the ability to call up any function or macro's source with 'src.

I do think the idea of integrating anarki code incrementally is probably the right way to do it. To this end, I've forked anarki's "official" branch (, and I've been applying CatDancer's "minimum-distance-from-arc" patching philosophy ( We'll see how many things from anarki I end up converting this way.


1 point by shader 5778 days ago | link

When you're done with you're patching process (I wouldn't mind helping) we should probably merge it back into nex3's copy, as his has public commit access.


2 points by CatDancer 5782 days ago | link

One approach is to only port over things that you personally use and care about; and let other people port over things they care about. That's a pretty good filter for separating out the important from the unimportant.
