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1 point by jazzdev 5599 days ago | link | parent

Can't seem to get it to run. Where is rainbow.arc?

  % ./ 
  Buildfile: build.xml
  Total time: 0 seconds
  Unable to access jarfile /Users/jd/tmp/rainbow/build/dist/rainbow.jar
  % java -jar build/dist/rainbow/rainbow.jar --strict-arc
  Exception in thread "main" Could not find rainbow/rainbow.arc under [.]
          at rainbow.Console.find(
          at rainbow.Console.loadFile(
          at rainbow.Console.main(

1 point by jazzdev 5599 days ago | link

Okay, I found rainbow.arc. (I was doing find from the wrong place). And am following the README, but still no joy.

  % setenv ARC_PATH ~/tmp/arc:./src/arc
  % java -jar build/dist/rainbow/rainbow.jar
  Exception in thread "main" rainbow.ArcError: call* table not found in environment: if you are not using anarki please specify --strict-arc on the command-line
          at rainbow.vm.continuations.FunctionDispatcher.anarkiCompatibleTypeDispatch(
          at rainbow.vm.continuations.FunctionDispatcher.digestFunction(
          at rainbow.vm.continuations.FunctionDispatcher.onReceive(
          at rainbow.vm.continuations.ContinuationSupport.receive(
          at rainbow.vm.Interpreter.interpret(
          at rainbow.vm.continuations.FunctionDispatcher.process(
          at rainbow.Console.compileAndEval(
          at rainbow.Console.load(
          at rainbow.Console.loadFile(
          at rainbow.Console.main(


1 point by conanite 5598 days ago | link

Rainbow assumes you are using anarki - it's at

If you are using anarki and still getting this error, then it's a mystery. It might be necessary to expand "~/tmp/arc" into a full path - I know rainbow doesn't expand "~", and I don't know if the shell does. And "~/tmp/arc" should contain arc.arc and the usual arc files from the distribution.

Let me know if it still isn't working.
