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1 point by eds 5969 days ago | link | parent

Yes, the batch file loads fine from another drive letter.

  Use (quit) to quit, (tl) to return here after an interrupt.
That said, I am not sure how to test that it can load files in both directories... especially with the new behavior of 'using.

1 point by almkglor 5969 days ago | link

Try on different directory:

  E:\> copy con tmp.arc
  (prn "hello world!")
  ^Z                       <---- that's a control-Z
  E:\> "C:\User\Programming\Arc\arc3f\arc-f\arc.bat"
  Use (quit) to quit, (tl) to return here after an interrupt.
  <User>tl: (using <files>v1)
  <User>tl: (ls)
  ("tmp.arc")       <--- you should get a list of files and stuff in the current directory, including tmp.arc
  <User>tl: (load "tmp.arc")
  hello world!


1 point by eds 5961 days ago | link

Works perfectly :-)
