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1 point by almkglor 5969 days ago | link | parent

Out of curiousity: does it work even if you're on a different hard drive/directory as the installation drive/directory? The intent of that batch file is to allow you to launch Arc from anywhere, while still (1) able to access the current directory and (2) able to load library files from the arc installation directory

1 point by eds 5969 days ago | link

Yes, the batch file loads fine from another drive letter.

  Use (quit) to quit, (tl) to return here after an interrupt.
That said, I am not sure how to test that it can load files in both directories... especially with the new behavior of 'using.


1 point by almkglor 5968 days ago | link

Try on different directory:

  E:\> copy con tmp.arc
  (prn "hello world!")
  ^Z                       <---- that's a control-Z
  E:\> "C:\User\Programming\Arc\arc3f\arc-f\arc.bat"
  Use (quit) to quit, (tl) to return here after an interrupt.
  <User>tl: (using <files>v1)
  <User>tl: (ls)
  ("tmp.arc")       <--- you should get a list of files and stuff in the current directory, including tmp.arc
  <User>tl: (load "tmp.arc")
  hello world!


1 point by eds 5961 days ago | link

Works perfectly :-)
