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1 point by rocketnia 5213 days ago | link | parent

The goal of the Rainbow compatibility is to support a library of code that uses Java API's that will run on both Rainbow and Jarc.

Like the one Lathe has. ^_-

I'll be sure to look at Jarc 21 eventually, but I'm sort of falling behind thanks to, well, getting a job. XD I'm behind on trying out Rainbow and Semi-Arc too, so this is one more for the to-do list. ^_^;

I definitely appreciate the dynamic proxy support though. I'll see how easy it is to incorporate that into Lathe's jvm.arc... sooner or later.

1 point by jazzdev 5213 days ago | link

161 days ago you announced your jvm.arc? Interesting. Seems useful.

So Groovy allows dynamic classes, not just interfaces? I'd like to do that in Jarc also. But I don't see how to do it without generating byte code. Jarc now includes Jasmin (a JVM assembler) so generating byte code is pretty straight-forward.

Congrats on the job.


1 point by rocketnia 5213 days ago | link

So Groovy allows dynamic classes, not just interfaces? I'd like to do that in Jarc also. But I don't see how to do it without generating byte code.

Right, making new classes that extend classes (besides java.lang.Object) at runtime seems to require generating byte code. From

Sun's implementation of JDK 6 is co-bundled with the Mozilla Rhino based JavaScript script engine. (...)

Rhino's JavaAdapter has been removed. JavaAdapter is the feature by which a Java class can be extended by JavaScript and Java interfaces may be implemented by JavaScript. This feature also requires a class generation library. We have replaced Rhino's JavaAdapter with Sun's implementation of the JavaAdapter. In Sun implementation, only a single Java interface may be implemented by a JavaScript object.

In other words, the Rhino distributed with JDK 6 provides no JavaAdapter functionality the Proxy class can't already achieve....

Congrats on the job.

Thanks much! XD
