OK so this stuff is new to me so it will not be a surprise when one of you folks calls bullshit and suggests more realistic ideas. :) I currently use Linode for my web servers and Linode has 4 processor Xen instances. I have Apache set up to mod proxy IP/domain requests off to various ports for the multiple domain/instances of arc servers. As I understand it arc only utilizes 1 core per instance. This means I am not getting full value :(. Or does this even matter on a VPS ? So I was thinking I could create a routing service where an arc server accepts all requests and each user gets assigned a port (each port having its' own arc instance). All data is exchanged via http in json format and
a single mysql database maintains data for all arc instances. This seems, to me, a straight forward means to utilize multicore performance with arc. Does this seem reasonable? Am I blatantly lacking some fundamental knowledge that would make this a bad approach ? Thanks, |