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Create your own collection: proto-table, when you want prototyping semantics in your object system
4 points by almkglor 5960 days ago | 1 comment
Sometimes you want to build a table that is like, but not the same as, another table. You can copy the table element-by-element, but then you have the overhead of the copy (what if you just want to temporarily override a few keys?) and the table copy doesn't get updated if the base table is written to.

So yet again I now present a new collection type: the proto-table.

To use, just add a table to your call; you can even add keys in the call immediately:

  (require "lib/proto-table.arc")
  (= foo (table 'x 24 'y 25))
  (= bar (proto-table foo 'z 26 'x -1))
  => -1
  => 25
  => 26
  (= foo!y 1)
  => 1

7 points by almkglor 5960 days ago | link

The series of "create your own collection": Suggest PG: Settable function objects Create your own collection in Arc: settable functions now implemented on arc-wiki.git Create your own collection: use directories as if they were tables with file-table Create your own collection: bidirectional tables Create your own collection: cached-table Create your own collection: proto-table, when you want prototyping semantics in your object system
