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3 points by kens1 6180 days ago | link | parent

I'm interested in your comment that zap doesn't fit well. zap is built on top of setforms and assignment, so if zap doesn't work, then there are probably deeper problems. Do scar, scdr, sref work?

See my description of setforms for more info on how it's all put together:

3 points by Metaprogrammer 6180 days ago | link

An interesting point, I've missed that bit. If zap is built on top of setform, than it can be implemented with no performance drawbacks.


1 point by Metaprogrammer 6180 days ago | link

Ok, got it, it is just the same good old notion of lvalues. An elegant solution, but with all the same restrictions.

Something like (= ((fn (x) (x 1)) str) #\A) should not work, right?
