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1 point by lojic 5892 days ago | link | parent

When I run this via (nqueens 8), I only get one output:

  arc> (nqueens 8)
  (2 4 6 8 3 1 7 5)  
There should be 92 solutions displayed.

1 point by cchooper 5892 days ago | link

This algorithm only finds one correct solution for each n.


1 point by map 5892 days ago | link

The wikipedia algorithm only generates one solution.


1 point by lojic 5892 days ago | link

The challenge is to produce all 92 solutions as the Ruby code does in the OP. I linked to wikipedia for the description of the problem, not the algorithm.

I also showed the ellided output for clarification.


1 point by cchooper 5892 days ago | link

I was doing the n queens challenge on Wikipedia because someone had already posted a solution to your challenge.
