I've been involved in a project downloading web pages, extracting text, reducing it into words and phrases and computing/plotting their changes in usage over time. To get the web pages I've employed bash and curl. Sifting through the text was mostly Awk: Love that language. But now comes the time for analyzing almost a gigabyte of data. And for that I'm using Klong, which I first heard about on Hacker News (https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=10586872). Klong is a homegrown version of the K programming language developed by Nils Holm. Both are array languages which make dealing with arrays a piece of cake. Additionally in honor of their predecessor, APL, they are terse. Very terse. As in single-character operators. I have been having more fun with Klong than I've had in programming for a very long time. You might want to take a look. You can download it from Nil's site at http://t3x.org/klong/. In addition to the base language, there is documentation and Nils has created a statistics and plotting library. And he has been more than gracious in answering my questions. A writeup of the K programming language can be found here: http://archive.vector.org.uk/art10501320. Personally I'm sticking with Klong for now. Steve |