I previously^1 had announced a beta of 1.0 of unit-test.arc. I got some cool feedback (thanks, akkartik), and I've made the planned changes. I'd like to see if there's any more feedback before I release. The code can be viewed here^2. The README is up-to-date, and has a good amount of examples. I'd love to hear any comments about it before I release. Thanks. [1]] http://arclanguage.org/item?id=19654 [2] https://bitbucket.org/zck/unit-test.arc/src/81e30a62c39bdbe2d1c7771f6a2218fd28a98e53/?at=run-test It's the run-test branch linked to here. If you have the repo checked out, just `hg checkout run-test`. |