arc> ([(prn "You entered " _)] 34)
You entered 34
Error: "...urces/arc/ac.scm:974:33: arity mismatch;\n the expected number of arguments does not match the given number\n expected: 1\n given: 0"
Do you see something different? I think your defop expression is also incorrect. It just happens to have the right side-effect before it runs into the error. You probably have errors at the server -- that aren't visible on the browser.
arc> ([(prn "You entered " _)] 34)
You entered 34
Error: "car: expects argument of type <pair>; given ()"
That's good investigation. Note the work described in this thread uses Arc 3.1, not Anarki.
Btw do you mean there's something wrong with defop, or that the example I wrote is incorrect? I had gotten that example from: