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1 point by akkartik 4345 days ago | link | parent


  wart> (mac foo(a b) `(cons ,a ,b))
  wart> (mac bar(a b) (prn `(cons 3 ,@(foo a b)))) ; prn for debugging
  wart> ((fn(x) (bar x x)) 'abc)
  (cons 3 x . x) car of non-cons: x car of non-cons: x
  (3 . abc)
My bar example is poorly constructed; besides that I think you're right.

1 point by rocketnia 4342 days ago | link

Oh, I see. Would you mind showing me what happens with (mac bar(a b) `(cons 3 ,(foo a b)))?


1 point by akkartik 4342 days ago | link

  wart> (mac foo(a b) `(cons ,a ,b))
  wart> (mac bar(a b) `(cons 3 ,(foo a b)))
  wart> ((fn(x) (bar x x)) 'abc) can't coerce symbol abc to function
There was a typo in grandparent, so let me summarize the correct versions:

  wart> (mac foo(a b) `(cons ,a ,b))
  wart> (mac bar(a b) `(cons 3 ,@(foo a b)))
  wart> ((fn(x) (bar x x)) @'(abc))
  (3 . abc)

  wart> (mac foo(a b) `(cons ,a ,b))
  wart> (mac bar(a b) `(cons 3 ,(foo a b)))
  wart> ((fn(x) (bar x x)) @'(abc)) can't coerce symbol abc to function   ; no change
I think you're asking what happens to (''a b c). Hmm, I don't translate that to ''(a b c). It seems to be acting like (a b c). Does that seem right?


Another potential concern: I'm using a single boolean to track whether we encounter a '', and I reset it before unquote's eval and check it after. I think it might need to be a stack of booleans to handle nested expressions, but I've not been able to come up with a failing test case.


1 point by akkartik 4342 days ago | link

Ah, I answered my own question. It turns out this doesn't work:

  (all present? '((1) (2 4 6)))
if you define all as:

  def all(f seq)
    (and @(map f seq))
For precisely this reason.

(present? is a synonym for idfn.)


1 point by rocketnia 4342 days ago | link

Hmm, what happens when you say `,(write `,'foo)? ^_^


1 point by akkartik 4342 days ago | link

  wart> `,(write `,'foo) can't coerce symbol foo to function
Is that what you expect? I'm not sure what you're trying.


1 point by rocketnia 4341 days ago | link

Something bugs me about this claim:

" '' is an internal detail. The reader provides no way to type it in. If you ever see it printed at the REPL, that's a bug."

If unquote adds a '', then `,'foo should return ''foo, right? Then 'write should write ''foo at the REPL.

In order to weasel out of anything that stripped '' from the arguments to a function, I tried putting `, around the whole command, in the hopes that it would somehow manipulate the state of the don't-strip-'' flag(s) for the duration of the command.

In any case, there's no reason foo should be called, is there? O_o

In other news, this might be an easy test case for the scope of the don't-strip-'' flag. If your implementation sets it to true on the way in and false on the way out, then it'll become false on the way out of the inner `, , rather than recovering its previous value of true.


1 point by akkartik 4332 days ago | link

"If unquote adds a '', then `,'foo should return ''foo, right?"

Unquote doesn't add '', @ does. Perhaps that changes your example?

"In any case, there's no reason foo should be called, is there? O_o"

:) Yeah that's a bug with my paren inference; it was implicitly wrapping the expression in parens. I'd never seen backquote-comma before. Here's a temporary workaround:

  wart> (list `,(write `,'foo))
  foo(foo)  ; ignore the (foo) -- it's the return value
Update: fixed (

  wart> `,(write `,'foo)


1 point by akkartik 4341 days ago | link

Hmm, I haven't fully digested this, but I do have a passing test on nested unquote:
