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2 points by rocketnia 4699 days ago | link | parent

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I think these lines should be reversed. :)

(By the way, here are some terse formatting instructions: You can edit a post for about an hour after making it if you need to experiment.)


"When I was talking about "less mysterious and complex" I wasn't thinking about how a real CPU works, but how a programmable machine works."

Where do you make the distinction? These days I like to think of a machine as being any tool at all, and programming as being a way to control that tool by writing specification documents of what it should do.

If someone begins with no understanding of how a computer could work, maybe it makes things plausible to think there's an underlying mechanical device like a player piano reading a sequence of triggers off of a tape. But rather than focusing on that tape, I'd like to think it's also plausible to ground understanding in terms of writing the blueprints to that machine (parts of which may be tapes if necessary).

I won't claim my own intuition works this way, but obviously some people work with this stuff. :-p


"Let's compare two programming languages for children, Logo and Kalimat."

I actually think you have apples and apples there and you're not comparing them as such. In Logo, if you want to solve 'repeat 10 [print "hello]' in a more complicated way, you can:

  to greet :numberoftimes
    if :numberoftimes > 0 [
      print "hello
      greet difference :numberoftimes 1
  greet 10
(I just tested this code at It's my first Logo code. ^_^ )

I think both this and your Kalimat example involve more conceptual leaps than the "repeat" version. Here are just a few of them:

* The stuff after Kalimat's : or inside Logo's [] is code not to be executed yet.

* This code is given to "if".

* "if" applies this code if appropriate.

Beyond this, the student is challenged to understand user-defined names, arithmetic simplification, operator precedence, sequential execution, and bounded scope (in Kalimat's case, the kind of dynamic scope that arises from variable assignment).

On the plus side, it probably pays off best to choose an appropriate level of challenge for the student, and this is a good milestone (if not starting point), since the concepts are used together to solve a problem in a way that may help clarify all of them at once.

3 points by mohamedsa 4698 days ago | link

In essence, my argument was

* How many concepts must be taught to the child before writing useful programs?

* How many of those concepts are right there, and how many are hidden?

I intuitively feel that Kalimat's example is just more simple and direct than the Logo equivalent, but "intuitively feel" and "just more simple..." are not very scientific; perhaps when Kalimat is more experimented with, we could have more empirical results.

But at least I can try to justify my feelings a little:

* The Logo example seems more nested while the Kalimat one is flatter. "Do this task, then that one" seems easier to keep inside one's head than do this task, which is made out of so and so.

* The Kalimat example completely avoids the need to teach function definition and invocation.

* The Logo code needs a discussion about variable scope and function activations; how :numberoftimes has a value in this greet different from that greet.

Yes, in Kalimat we'd have a related discussion about mutable variables, but a variable is an isolated concept that doesn't need to be explained alongside invocation and scope (at this level).

But again, you've made me look again at my assumptions and those of the Logo creators, and ask myself again and again about those assumptions; and that's definitely a good thing :)


2 points by rocketnia 4696 days ago | link

"The Logo example seems more nested while the Kalimat one is flatter. "Do this task, then that one" seems easier to keep inside one's head than do this task, which is made out of so and so."

Surprisingly, I actually see your point. :-p For languages where "stepping" even makes sense, you can focus on explaining a very narrow window of the program, and then explaining another very narrow window of the program, following those steps. If the language is based on GOTO and simple variables, then the state of the program at any window is of a constant size, rather than structured into a stack or a tree.

Concatenative programming would pretty much lead to a stack-like growing and shrinking state right away (regardless of whether it takes shape as an actual stack).

The kind of programming I guess I'd call combinatoric programming (point-free functional, such as arithmetic expressions) would lead to a tree of partial results.

These systems could probably be broken down into even simpler subsets to limit the complexity, but probably not in a way that feels as open-ended as GOTO.


"The Kalimat example completely avoids the need to teach function definition and invocation."

The Logo example avoids the need to teach label definition and jumping. :-p

There's a little hiccup in understanding functions when GOTO's around. When I studied C after Applesoft BASIC, I remember being confused and curious about what would happen if I did a goto from one function to another. That's just an erroneous use of C's goto, and I think when I found that out, I got a little frustrated that anyone would program in a language with such arbitrary limitations. :-p


"Yes, in Kalimat we'd have a related discussion about mutable variables, but a variable is an isolated concept that doesn't need to be explained alongside invocation and scope (at this level)."

In case you missed it, the converse is also true: Invocation and scope could be introduced without introducing mutability. I can't say it's easier to do that, but it's at least independent.

Once again, I think there's some negative interplay between concepts here. Classmates from my intro programming classes found it nontrivial to grasp that passing a value to a function wasn't just the same thing as assignment to its parameter. That flawed interpretation worked pretty well until recursion came along. Even then, it was easy to repair the understanding by assuming it's a temporary assignment that reset itself after the function ended. Then they'd run into trouble when lexical scope came along, but... you know, that never came along. XD

Once I was out of the intro programming classes, they switched the intro curriculum from Java to Python. That means lexical scope might actually become relevant to the students before they learn another language... so I'm actually very glad in hindsight.

Eep, I'm not sounding like a history lesson of some sort, so for reference, my college days were 2005-2009. >.>; Pretty recent... but not as recent as I'd like, lol.


"But again, you've made me look again at my assumptions and those of the Logo creators, and ask myself again and again about those assumptions; and that's definitely a good thing :)"

Yeah, hopefully you feel justified in whatever you settle on. ^_^ Nothing's without downsides to me, so I don't tend to do value judgments, just a stream of personalized suggestions.
