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4 points by waterhouse 4867 days ago | link | parent

(I'm noticing there's a bit of a brevity boost with infix syntax, though. It means you typically only have to add "1 + " to an expression, rather than "(+ 1 " on one side and ")" on the other, for a total of one edit versus two. I guess that makes it a way to boost brevity in a less customizable language.

With ssyntax, you usually only have to add "inc:" or "inc." to the left side of an expression (depending on whether it's already a function/macro call or just a symbol). This is why I love the hell out of ssyntax. It only doesn't work if the expression is already of the form "a.b", in which case you have to add some parentheses. Currently, "inc:inc.2" expands to "(compose inc inc.2)".

Recommendation: Have "a:b.c" expand to (a:b c); this will make it always, or nearly always (I haven't thought much about using it with quote or quasiquote), possible to tack an extra function/macro call onto an expression with a single edit. I think it's also more consistent: currently we have a.b.c -> (a.b c) [-> ((a b) c)], which is useful for referencing nested data structures; and it fits that pattern to have a:b.c -> (a:b c) [-> ((compose a b) c) -> (a (b c))]. I really think this would be a big improvement.

Anyway, this ssyntax stuff has the major advantage that it works to tack on any single-argument function/macro, rather than just the very few that are important enough to have their own special character. I find this extremely convenient: I can add "time:" and "prn:" to an expression when I want to debug it, and then remove it just as easily. Combined with my 'cp function (, this has in my past made for some very pleasant debugging.

Aesthetically, tacking "func:" onto "expr" is like adding an element to the tree (in fact, it literally does "expr -> (list func expr) = (cons func (cons expr nil))"), which is an O(1) operation, and it makes sense for it to always be a simple O(1) editing operation. (Adding something to the left side, then remembering to look for the right side so you can add a close-paren, is not O(1) to me.) In fact, it's a common O(1) operation, and it should be O(1); and the same should go for its opposite, removing an element previously tacked on.

Imma go figure out how to change ac.scm. ...And I've kludged it by making . and ! expand before : and ~ in the definition of "expand-ssyntax" in ac.scm.

  ((or (insym? #\. sym) (insym? #\! sym)) expand-sexpr) ;switched order
  ((or (insym? #\: sym) (insym? #\~ sym)) expand-compose)
This should work fine for the near future, as I don't have any reason to mix "." and ":" in expressions other than with "." as the last ssyntax character. I think it should ideally expand right-to-left no matter what the ssyntax characters are; note that, under this scheme, "a:b:c" would expand to (compose a:b c) -> (compose (compose a b) c), which is equivalent to the current expansion (compose a b c), and the Arc Compiler could transform the former into the latter.

Arc seems to load properly, and the ssyntax works the way I like it.

  arc> factorial.3
  arc> inc:factorial.3
  arc> factorial:inc:factorial.3

2 points by rocketnia 4866 days ago | link

In Arc I sometimes like to say (a.b:c.d e f), which this change breaks. But I don't mind that. ^_^

Anyway, what you're talking about is already how Penknife works: Infix operators on the right are always handled first. An interesting result is that a!b ssyntax is a bit redundant under this setup. Here's an Arc demonstration:

  ; with ! ssyntax
  a.b!c.d        ->  (a.b!c d)
                 ->  ((a.b (quote c)) d)
  ; without ! ssyntax
  a.b:quote.c.d  ->  (a.b:quote.c d)
                 ->  ((a.b:quote c) d)
                 ->  (((compose a.b quote) c) d)
                 ->  ((a.b (quote c)) d)
So now the following ssyntaxes are all abbreviations for things that are a little more verbose but just as edit-efficient:

  a!b  -> a:quote.b
  .a   -> get.a
  !a   -> get:quote.a
  ~a   -> no:a
The ssyntaxes left over are a:b, a.b, and a&b.

In Penknife, I've been thinking about having infix operator such that a`b.c is (b a c). Arc could do this if a`b expanded to something like (opcurry b a), where 'opcurry was a metafn such that ((opcurry a b c) d e f) expanded to (a b c d e f). Then the only essential ssyntaxes would be a`b and a.b:

  a&b  -> a`andf.b
  a:b  -> a`compose.b
  a!b  -> a`compose.quote.b
  .a   -> get.a
  !a   -> get`compose.quote.a
  ~a   -> no`compose.a
Of course, at a certain point the verbosity is a bit silly. I've defined ` as a curry function in Penknife so that I can test it out a`foo.b with everyday functions foo, like 1`+.2 and so forth, and I've found it pretty cumbersome to actually type. Still, it's less cumbersome than 1.+(2), I suppose. :-p

Maybe it'll be useful in an axiomatic way. Perhaps a Penknife-like or Arc-like language can have ` and . as its only basic infix operators, with all other infix operators being abbreviations defined in terms of those two....

Hmm, an alternate axiomatic approach is to treat a`b.c as a single ternary operator a{b}c.

  a&b  -> a{andf}b
  a:b  -> a{compose}b
  a.b  -> a{call-op}b  ; where (call-op a b) expands to (a b)
  a!b  -> a{compose}quote{call-op}b
  .a   -> get{call-op}a
  !a   -> get{compose}quote{call-op}a
  ~a   -> no{compose}a
This is essentially equivalent to Penknife's approach, except that Penknife uses Haskell-style naming rules (infix identifier or alpha identifier) rather than delimiters. So it looks like the a`b.c approach is just a way to simulate this syntax system within itself. Pretty interesting. XD


3 points by akkartik 4866 days ago | link

Have "a:b.c" expand to (a:b c)

Wart unconsciously got this right (compose is ^):

  wart> (wt-transform 'a^b.c)
  (call* (compose* a b) c)
