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1 point by akkartik 5245 days ago | link | parent

Thanks waterhouse. I'll fix the sort bug and change coerce and think more about nil. If anybody has code examples where the current nil would be non-optimal, let me know.

Update: I've fixed (is nil 'nil) locally and will push it out. But ''nil still isn't nil. It seems this is the same on sbcl. Is this desirable or a wart?

2 points by waterhouse 5245 days ago | link

That is desirable. ''nil is the same as '(quote nil), and it really should evaluate to the list (quote nil), which will be distinct from the atom nil. 'nil should be the same as nil for approximately the same reason that t is the same as 't--because t is globally bound to the symbol 't. (It doesn't actually work the same way with nil, as the compiler treats it specially instead of having a global binding, but it looks the same to the programmer.)

Also, the definitions of x-set-c[ad]r in ac.scm check for set-c[ad]r! every time they are called. I talk about this and how to fix it here:


2 points by akkartik 5245 days ago | link

Thanks, I'll add this. All your previous suggestions are in except changing type.nil, but I've been holding back on pushes because my local repo's been unstable for the past 36 hours.


1 point by akkartik 5244 days ago | link

Update: pushed.


1 point by rocketnia 5244 days ago | link

IMO, the cleanest way to handle nil is for it to be a separate type and for 'car and 'cdr to be generic (or at least ad-hoc generic), defined for the nil type as well as the cons type. This way, when extending a generic function, you don't have to put the empty list behavior and the symbol behavior in the same branch (which would make it harder for a programmer to extend a list function for symbols or vice versa).

Hmm, it sounds like that's what you had before waterhouse's input. :-p

In Lathe's generic/inheritance utilities (orc/orc.arc and orc/oiter.arc), I base the inheritance graph on a new type function, 'otype, mainly so that I can have a different type for nil. Because of the inheritance system, I also get to have a list type that both the nil type and the cons type inherit from, so that I can extend every list case in a single branch.

As for (coerce nil 'cons), I think that's the wrong API. It should shave some tokens to become listify.nil, and it shouldn't raise an error. Who really needs to coerce things into nonempty lists? ^_^


3 points by akkartik 5243 days ago | link

Hmm, it sounds like that's what you had before waterhouse's input. :-p

:) I think I still have that behavior. All I did was to fix coerce and 'nil. You can defgeneric without the acons check and defmethod on nil (or vice versa). It feels more 'pure', but I don't have any examples where it's a big win. It's _truly_ a win that you can simply replace def with defgeneric and get a superset of behavior without losing compatibility.
