Hi, it's me and my annoying suggestion (again) :-/ I think _ could be use in a somewhat strange way but which might be useful: (= bleh (map [obj num _] (range 1 5)))
(map _!num bleh) === (map [_ 'num] bleh)
or: (let b 'num
(map _.b bleh)) === (map [_ b] bleh)
My reasoning is that _ is highly bound to [ ] so it makes sense that _.a be transformed into [_ a] instead of (_ a).Sadly, I'll give the first counter-argument to my suggestion: (This is from PG in a HN comments) : (defop offerless req
(offerlesspage (get-user req)))
(newscache offerlesspage user 90
(listpage user (msec)
[and (>= (realscore _) front-threshold*)
(cansee user _)
(no (begins _!title "Offer "))
nil nil "offerless"))
Since _ is already bound in the outer scope, that wouldn't work anymore. |