I left windows a couple of years ago and I have lived and worked in one or another Unix like OS since and never looked back. The only thing that I am REALLY missing is Visual Studio, I looked to see if I can find a decent IDE in my new life to replace VS at least to some extent but so far has been out of luck. I can live with that, I have found my way around debugging python and learned to use emacs and Xcode and eclipse and ... but developing arc is a pain! I mean I enjoy the new way of thinking and the new aproach to the old problems but implementing them is a real pain (I test some small pices on tryarc.org to get them right!). What do you guys do?
Personally, I use Vim (efficient text editing), Yakuake (shell is an F12 away), and rlwrap (make bad REPLs good!) for, well, really any language I use. Specifically for Arc, I wrote a Vim syntax highlighter & ftplugin: http://arclanguage.org/item?id=10147. Also, it's useful to
Now all I have to do is setup $ARC in my shell startup, and I can run arc from anywhere and load source files transparently from the current directory.
Yeah, that's the right one. More "officially", http://yakuake.kde.org/ leads you through some links until you finally get to its KDE-Apps page at http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=29153. But you'd probably just get it from your distro's package repository, anyway. For instance, I'm on Debian right now, and the package description does the elaboration for me, so:
$ apt-cache show yakuake | grep -A7 -m1 "Description:"
Description: a Quake-style terminal emulator based on KDE Konsole technology
YaKuake is inspired from the terminal in the Quake game: when you press a key
(by default F12, but that can be changed) a terminal window slides down from
the top of the screen. Press the key again, and the terminal slides back.
It is faster than a keyboard shortcut because it is already loaded into memory
and as such is very useful to anyone who frequently finds themselves switching
in and out of terminal sessions.
I keep getting surprised by how much setup matters for my own programming satisfaction. Hacking Arc became a great deal less frustrating for me once I was introduced to rlwrap, and then the possibility of an in-editor REPL for emacs using inferior-arc-mode.