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2 points by evanrmurphy 5322 days ago | link | parent

Try Arc saw two updates today:

1. stdout now displays properly.

  arc> (pr "hello")
@waterhouse thank you for your eval-w/stdout function. I tried about twelve variations on the idea but ended up back at exactly the definition you gave. Even one cosmetic change that I was sure would be an improvement turned out to make it harder to read (at least in my opinion):

   (def eval-w/stdout (expr)
  -  (tostring:let result nil
  -    (let output (tostring (= result (eval expr)))
  +  (tostring:withs (result nil
  +                   output (tostring (= result (eval expr))))
         (unless (empty output)
           (prn "output: " output))
  -      (write result))))
  +      (write result)))
2. strings.arc, pprint.arc and html.arc are now all included in the sandbox:

  arc> (plural 2 "dog")
  "2 dogs"

  ; not indenting properly
  arc> (ppr:macex1 '(accum a (each  x '(1 2 3) (a x))))
  (withs (gs954 nil
  (fn (_) (push _ gs954)))
  (each x (quote (1 2 3)) (a x))
  (rev gs954))t

  arc> (tag strong (link  "Arc Forum" ""))
  <strong><a href="">Arc Forum</a></strong>"</strong>"
At least for the moment I'm not including srv.arc, app.arc, code.arc and prompt.arc. Most of their functions couldn't be used in the sandbox anyway, and I can conserve resources (i.e. loading them in for each new user) by leaving them out.

2 points by evanrmurphy 5322 days ago | link

I added support for multi-line entry:

  arc> (def average (x y)
  >      (prn "my arguments were:  " (list x y))
  >      (/ (+ x y) 2))
  #<procedure: average>
  arc> (average 100 200)
  my arguments were: (100 200)
It simply checks for balanced parens. I just realized I neglected to check for balanced #\[ and #\] though, so for the moment your square-bracketed functions must be on one line.
