Rather random thing to comment on after 2 weeks, I know. I was just reading this and noticed that your redef macro isn't really doing much: safeset doesn't get called by = unless you happen to make a defset to that effect, which seems unlikely.
arc> (def f (x) (+ x 1))
#<procedure: f>
arc> (= f [+ _ 2]) ; no redef warning
#<procedure: f>
arc> (def f (x) (+ x 3)) ; redef warning
*** redefining f
#<procedure: f>
arc> (defset blah (x)
(w/uniq g
(list (list g x)
`(fn (val) (safeset ,x val)))))
arc> (= x 100)
arc> (= x 200) ; no redef warning
arc> (= (blah x) 300) ; redef warning
*** redefining x
Still an interesting idea to selectively silence safeset, though.
It seems plausible to want redefs to look different from defs.
Disabling these warnings on reload is useful, but a separate use case. I tend to ignore them on reload, but I don't want to see them when I startup lest I start ignoring them altogether.